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Benson's Blog

Dr Tim Benson is Britain's - some say the World's - leading political cartoonoligist. He therefore thinks he knows everything there is to know about political cartoons. A lecturer on cartoons, Benson has also had more books published on the subject than anyone else. He has even acted as an external examiner for postgraduate degrees in cartoons. Now some say Benson is not only self-opinionated and outspoken, but has a big mouth to go with it. So here, on his very own cartoon blog page, he has decided to put it to even greater use.


Churchill A Life in Cartoons by Richard Langworth

Churchill A Life in Cartoons by Richard Langworth

Posted on Monday 22nd July 2024 by Tim & filed under General.

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Churchill A life in Cartoons A Review by Gary Stiles

Churchill A life in Cartoons A Review by Gary Stiles

Posted on Wednesday 19th June 2024 by Tim & filed under General.

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The Political Cartoon Awards 2023

The Political Cartoon Awards 2023

Posted on Wednesday 24th January 2024 by Tim & filed under General.

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Political Cartoon of the Year Awards 2022

Political Cartoon of the Year Awards 2022

Posted on Friday 12th May 2023 by & filed under General.

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Israel A History in 100 cartoons by Colin Shindler

Israel A History in 100 cartoons by Colin Shindler

Posted on Thursday 11th May 2023 by Tim & filed under General.

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Has peladophobia damaged Martin Rowson's mental health?

Has peladophobia damaged Martin Rowson's mental health?

Posted on Wednesday 17th November 2021 by Tim & filed under General.

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New James Gillray gravestone unveiled by George Osborne

New James Gillray gravestone unveiled by George Osborne

Posted on Wednesday 17th November 2021 by Tim & filed under General.

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Is Bob Moran a cartoon villain?

Is Bob Moran a cartoon villain?

Posted on Thursday 4th March 2021 by & filed under General.

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Has Chris Beetles spent too much time with Jeffrey Archer?

Has Chris Beetles spent too much time with Jeffrey Archer?

Posted on Wednesday 1st July 2020 by & filed under General.

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Political Cartoon of the Year Awards 2019

Political Cartoon of the Year Awards 2019

Posted on Thursday 14th May 2020 by & filed under General.

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Roger Law opens political puppet show

Roger Law opens political puppet show

Posted on Thursday 13th June 2019 by & filed under General.

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Political Cartoon of the Year Awards 2018

Political Cartoon of the Year Awards 2018

Posted on Sunday 2nd December 2018 by & filed under General.

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James Gillray Gravestone Charity Auction

James Gillray Gravestone Charity Auction

Posted on Sunday 25th November 2018 by & filed under General.

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Tim Benson defends Mark Knight’s Serena Williams cartoon

Tim Benson defends Mark Knight’s Serena Williams cartoon

Posted on Saturday 15th September 2018 by Tim & filed under General.

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Do political cartoonists have the right to offend?

Do political cartoonists have the right to offend?

Posted on Friday 8th June 2018 by Tim & filed under General.

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Political Cartoon of the Year Awards 2017

Political Cartoon of the Year Awards 2017

Posted on Saturday 25th November 2017 by Tim & filed under General.

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Tim Benson on the Daily Politics Show

Tim Benson on the Daily Politics Show

Posted on Tuesday 7th November 2017 by Tim & filed under General.

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Launch of Giles's War and Carl Giles Cartoon Exhibition

Launch of Giles's War and Carl Giles Cartoon Exhibition

Posted on Wednesday 5th July 2017 by Tim & filed under General.

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Maggie May!

Maggie May!

Posted on Monday 10th April 2017 by Tim & filed under General.

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Britain's Best Political Cartoons 2016

Britain's Best Political Cartoons 2016

Posted on Friday 11th December 2015 by Tim & filed under General.

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The Political Cartoon Gallery and Cafe has re-opened in Putney.

The Political Cartoon Gallery and Cafe has re-opened in Putney.

Posted on Saturday 9th May 2015 by Tim & filed under General.

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Over The Top: a cartoon history of Australia at war

Over The Top: a cartoon history of Australia at war

Posted on Thursday 15th January 2015 by Tim & filed under General.

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2016 Political Cartoon of the Year Awards

2016 Political Cartoon of the Year Awards

Posted on Wednesday 10th December 2014 by Tim & filed under General.

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