Burleigh, Bertha Bennet (1865 - )
Bertha Bennet Burleigh original cartoon artwork
In 1914 Burleigh worked as a war correspondent during the First World War. Her father, Bennet Burleigh, had been a famous war correspondent. She fled Belgium when the Germans invaded. She was the first female cartoonist at the Sydney Bulletin. Her last known cartoons were published in the 'Aussie' in 1934. She was a regular contributor to the Bulletin in the 1920s and early 1930s. The earliest works signed by Burleigh, either in full or as 'BBB’, were hysterically anti-Labor and anti-American cartoons. Burleigh contributed social cartoons to Aussie for 12 years. In 1934 she illustrated a book entiteld Artist at the Zoo and in 1937 Circus. She was also commissioned to paintthe portrait of Queen Mary.